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Daniela Matos de Carvalho


Query by 2 or more fields on GraphQL

January 18, 2019

We at YLD are using Slack together with missions.ai , allowing our employees to get some relevant information about them or about other…

Quic(k) HTTP/3

November 27, 2018

Is it really a "new" protocol? HTTP/3 isn't a new protocol, in fact it is being developed for quite some time and you're probably using it…

Dot.js in Paris

December 06, 2017

I went to Dot.js last week and it had quite a lot of interesting talks this year and some big names in technology. Dot.js was also a…

HTTP/2 in Node.js core

November 06, 2017

HTTP/2 is starting to be used more and more (it jumped from 11% in the beginning of this year to 18% total usage on the web). If you recall…

React Crash Course Announcement

February 21, 2017

React is regarded as the premier way to build large, fast Web apps with JavaScript. We're excited to announce that we're going to have…

Alternatives to HTTP/2

February 08, 2017

In one of our latest posts we introduced and debugged HTTP/2 . However we'll be exploring some other alternatives to the HTTP protocol in…

Build your own community event monitor

January 17, 2017

Events, events... and more events! YLD team members help to organize community meetups, both in Lisbon ( require-lx ) and London ( #LTM…

React Component Profiling

November 25, 2016

The React library is still evolving and Facebook's React team is working on a set of features to improve it, both internally (e.g the new…

The HAPI.js eco-system

November 19, 2016

Overview The hapi.js ( H TTP API ) framework provides a RESTful API that is a perfect match for projects with large teams working on…

On attending React-Europe 2016

June 20, 2016

React-Europe was an amazing 2-day conference held in Paris on June, 2 and 3. On this second edition, there were a lot of talks about React…

Getting started with React and Node.js

June 10, 2015

While building client-side apps, a team at Facebook reached a conclusion that a lot of web-developers had already noticed: the DOM is slow…

Nodeschool International Day

June 01, 2015

Node International Day was a global event, aimed at providing educational web events around the globe. The main goal is to learn Node.js…